Boyfriend Hated Girlfriend’s Kitten And So – She Had To Get Rid Of Him …

In any relationship, couples don’t need to agree on everything, however when it involves a pet it could be a different story.

A Reddit user by the name of That_crazy_cat_lady, decided to share a hilarious story about her boyfriend who thinks that her new cat is a liability.

She came to learn that the guy was not really interested in her new baby and even suggested to get rid of it.

This cat lover wasn’t having any of that nonsense!

“My boyfriend doesn’t like my new cat, so I have to give him away,” that_crazy_cat_lady entitled her Reddit post.

“I hate to do this, but I can’t keep him. Is anyone interested? He’s sweet, loves to cuddle. Answers to Benjamin. He is 32 years old and works in business management.”

Obviously, the woman is referring to her boyfriend and not her new adorable kitten.

Another Redditor by the name of ysengrimus, supported the That_crazy_cat_lady’s decision and even shared his own experience with someone who is not interested in pets.

“I went out with a woman for a short time who gave up a cool cat in favor of a [boyfriend]. A few years later she had neither that cat nor [the boyfriend]. Moral of the story: always choose the cat.”

For anyone who might be interested, the woman’s 32-year-old boyfriend might be available for adoption.
