Cat Family Lived In A Dreadful Place Before Someone Rescued Them!

CALIFORNIA – Meet Talin Aintablian! She is a woman who rescues Californian kitties, and always helps them.

One day, she discovered a family of cats who was living under a shipping container. Although no one knew how just long they had been residing there, the kittens needed attention.

She contacted the LA rescue group called, Hope for Paws.

“I helped her rescue cats in the past, and she calls me from time to time when she faces challenging situations,” Eldad Hagar, who is the founder of Hope for Paws, told The Dodo.

Unfortunately, one of the kittens had already passed away.

“There was no way for us to reach the kittens or the mom,” Hagar continued.

“It was early in the morning, but I called my employees Lisa Arturo and JoAnn Wiltz and asked them to get out of bed early and bring me more specialized rescue equipment that I didn’t have with me.”

“It was very dusty, dirty, there were remains of dead rats and mice, and as I was pulling dirt out from under the container, I had to go slow so the kittens wouldn’t suffocate from all the dust particles,” Hagar stated








After lots of patience, the three kittens were removed from under the shipping container.

The adorable family was then rushed to the vet, and were completely checked out and vaccinated.

“The kittens are here in the office with us during the day,” Hagar noted.

“Olive (Lisa’s pit bull/boxer mix) is helping with the babysitting, and they are thriving!”
