This Kitten With A Heart Condition Got An Iron Vest!

This kitten was brought into the Baltimore’s city shelter back in July.

His chest cavity hadn’t closed completely, and so, his heartbeat could be seen below his skin, and leaves his heart unprotected.

Lesley Loges Scheitlin, a counselor, simply wasn’t able to leave him.

“She told me she just wanted to take him home so he could feel love, really assuming he wasn’t going to make it,” Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelters (BARCS) spokesperson Bailey Deacon said to The Dodo.

They named the kitty Stark, after Tony Stark, the Marvel genius, and that gave her an idea! What if Stark had a protective Iron Man-like suit?

And so, a caring volunteer made his first jacket, and Stark doesn’t seem to mind it at all!

Seems custom-molded jackets may just be the next step that is soon to come.
