This Cat Hugs Every Orphaned Kittens His Mom Brings ….

Ellen Carozza, who is a veterinary technician found a kitten one day. Although she already had rescued various cats before this kitten, this kitten stole her heart when she brought him home. And so she decided to name him “Benedict Cumbercat” or Benny.

She absolutely ell in love with him immediately even though he had an eye insfection and a runny nose. As Benny grew older and older, he had learnt to care for others just like Ellen.

Ellen later brought home a box of orphaned kittens one afternoon and Benny was a natural foster parent!

He instinctively knew what each and every kitten needed and cared for them like a parent.

And then, to top it all off, he would seem sad when there were no kittens to take care of until a kitten named Winifred came.

Winifred had been rejected by her own mama and only weighed half the weight of a normal kitten her age.

Thankfully, Ellen had all of the appropriate equipment to allow feeding.

While Ellen helps to feed her, Benny does his part by teaching her various social skills and comforting her.

Once Winifred becomes old enough, Winifred will be adopted by Ellen’s sister.

Photo credits: thecatlvt / Instagram │ via: