Cat Named Cecil Comes to a Store Every Morning to Hang out with Customers

A cat named Cecil has been a loyal ‘greeter’ at the Safeway store in Portland, Oregon. He comes to the store almost every morning and spends his time welcoming customers, making friends and napping away. Sometimes he simply waits by the door and greets the customers as they walk in from the parking lot.

Some customers wonder if the cat is lost, so they call the number on his collar and call it and get a message from his humans. The message says if you’re calling about Cecil at the Safeway, don’t worry he just likes to hang out there. It also says that he lives nearby and “will find his way home when he’s ready.”

When Cecil is not welcoming and spending time with customers, he is on top of a stack of soda boxes by the window, watching the day go by or napping away.

“Some cats stalk birds and squirrels. Cecil likes to loiter at Safeway,” Allison said.

“I work at this Safeway and Cecil is the sweetest kitty. He’s well taken care of, at home and at the store. Customers sometimes leave milk and food for him inside the entrance. He’s like our little mascot,” a reddit user shared.

Cecil now has quite a fan base. Recently a group was started on Facebook to share moments of this store cat.

“My wife works at the coffee bar here. Today Cecil decided to use the electric cart for a snooze,” Jerry wrote.

Many customers say Cecil loves the attention and they believe that’s why he keeps coming back. He sure has become quite a local celebrity.