Cat Owner is Convinced the Ghost of Her Missing Cat Has Appeared in the Fur of Her New Cat!

ENGLAND – A mother now believes the ghost of her missing pet cat could have mysteriously appeared in the fur of her new kitten.

Her new black kitten, whose name is Cosmo, became covered in white paint just after taking a dip in a roller tray – and his photo has sparked debate on social media over what can be seen in his fur.


An animal psychic explained to the owner Christina Salisbury, who is 31, the odd paint pattern on Cosmo’s flank is the ghost of her cat of 12 years, Fluffy, who recently went missing.


Mother-of-two Mrs. Salisbury, Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester, stated: ‘I was contacted by an animal psychic, who was convinced it is the ghost of Fluffy.


4derhrh‘She said she had made a visit, and you can see the shape of her face in Cosmo’s fur.

‘She was really sure. A couple of other people have said it to me as well. I can see that it does sort of look like a cat’s face.’

Mrs. Salisbury stated that Cosmo became covered in paint last month during a decorating session.

Her 22-month-old son Lucas believed he was ‘helping’ by putting little Cosmo into a roller tray – mistaking it for a litter tray.

When Mrs. Salisbury shared the photo of a paint-splattered Cosmo on social media her sister Katie got in touch to say she was able to see a cat’s face in the paint formation.

And Mrs. Salisbury admits the creepy shape of a cat is quite visible in Cosmo’s fur with the eye and nose positioned near to his shoulder.

She believes it just might be the ghost of Fluffy, her beloved pet who recently went missing and who she believes could have been run over.


Longing for another cat to replace Fluffy, Mrs. Salisbury adopted Cosmo over this past summer when her neighbor found him in her garden.

However, she said the cheeky critter didn’t appear to be fazed by his predecessor’s visitation and instead proceeded to scamper around the house leaving a trail of white paint behind him.

Mrs. Salisbury went on to say: ‘We never knew what happened to Fluffy. One day she just didn’t come home. She could have been run over.’

‘Other people can see lots of different things in the fur, it’s really strange.

‘Some people say it’s a tiger rather than a cat.

‘Sometimes when I look at it I think it looks like a dog with its tongue out. And other times it looks like a rat.

‘It seems the shape was only there for a moment and I caught it when I took the picture.’
