Cat Rescued From Crusher After Being ‘Dumped’ At Recycling Center!

ENGLAND – A young cat who was dumped at a recycling centre in Walsall came perilously close to be crushed in a bin lorry.

The abandoned kitty was found ‘frightened and confused’ after being left in a taped up cardboard box by the recycling site in Leamore Lane on Saturday (January 27). A man discovered the cardboard box and after peeking inside called the RSPCA.

Animal collection officer (ACO) named Catherine Strawford responded to the call. She said: “The man became suspicious because the box had air holes punctured into the sides.

“Thank goodness he followed his instinct and checked inside because there was poor little Sammy.

“She’d been plonked in the box along with a blanket.

“The box was taped up so someone obviously didn’t want her escaping. Goodness knows what could have happened to her if she’d been thrown into a refuse lorry with the rest of the rubbish.”

The man who first found her gave her some biscuits and water while he waited for the RSPCA to arrive.

ACO Strawford quickly took her to a vet for a check-up and the tabby and white puss – thought to be around seven-months-old – is now in private boarding.

“Although she was unsurprisingly frightened and fairly confused, luckily she wasn’t injured and the vets gave her the all-clear,” ACO Strawford went on to say.

“She isn’t microchipped and had no collar or ID tag on so we don’t really know where she’s come from. But it’s clear someone dumped her there on purpose which is really sad.

“We’ll keep her in our care just in case someone comes forward to claim her but, if we aren’t able to trace an owner, then we’ll seek to find her a loving new home.

“I am keen to hear from anyone who knows where she may have come from or who might be responsible for abandoning her like this. Anyone with information can report it to us confidentially by calling 0300 123 8018 and leaving me a message.”

On average the RSPCA stated that it receives a call to its National Control Centre about a cat every three minutes and receives more calls about cats than any other animal.

Current figures show that throughout 2016 the charity collected over 30,000 cats from across England and Wales. More than one third of those were from across the summer months (June to September).

Anyone who would like to help the RSPCA continue rescuing cats like Sammy, is urged donate by visiting:
