INDIANA - A West Lafayette family has taken in literally dozens of kittens in the summer to help clear kennel space at the Almost Home Humane Society. However, the shelter is yet in need of more foster parents and loving homes.
Black cat Othello just turned 12 weeks old and already is the most adventurous out of his entire litter.
He’s been playing, eating and living at Tonya Simpson’s house for the whole summer. However, he’s not the only one bunking up.
“I had several cats, and our last cat got cancer and we put her down,” stated Simpson. “So [my daughter] Annelise asked, ‘Can we get a new cat, can we get a new cat?’”
Simpson went on to explain that she wasn’t ready for a new pet but started out “just going to the shelter to visit.”
The visit turned into fostering just about 60 kittens over three summers. This summer, they’ve taken in 25 kittens.
“I love to watch them play and climb, and I love to cuddle with them,” said Simpson’s daughter Annelise Stolarz.
Simpson stated, “I love getting them and to meet all of the kittens. Their personalities are so different.”
Simpson explained she’s enjoyed every minute of it, and her help takes some weight off the Almost Home Humane Society, the place where the kittens will eventually go to get adopted.
“By us keeping them as kittens, they don’t have to be here taking up space,” stated Simpson. “We are able to keep a closer eye on them so if anything comes up.”
Even though Simpson and her daughter keep dozens of kittens, Stolarz remembers and loves each and every one of them.
“I want to be a vet,” stated Stolarz.”But I really want to keep fostering, even when I’m older.”
Simpson explained that the demand for fostering kittens in the summer is especially high.
“I’m a school teacher, so this works out perfect for me,” stated Simpson.
She said while fostering is a big commitment, it’s definitely not long term.
“It was really easy to get involved,’ stated Simpson. “I just had to answer some questions and then once I got involved, the shelter is really helpful in terms of if there is anything I need.”
If you are in Indiana and wish to get involved and foster animals, call the Almost Home Humane Society at 765-474-5222. The address of the shelter is 1705 S. Second Street in Lafayette.