HOT OFF THE PRESS – Texas Board Suspends License of Vet Who Killed Cat!

TEXAS – A state panel has indeed suspended the license of a Texas veterinarian who used a bow and arrow to kill a cat that had wandered onto her property and boasted of the kill online.

The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners determined today that Kristen Lindsey can’t practice for a year. Her suspension will be followed by a total of four years’ probation.

Her lawyer, whose name is Brian Bishop, told the board she believed the cat was feral and that it isn’t unusual for people near her rural home west of Houston to dispose of feral animals.

Bishop states she shouldn’t have posted an image to Facebook in April 2015, but that she didn’t act with “criminal recklessness.”

The original Facebook post showed the cat dangling from the arrow as a smiling Lindsey held it aloft.

