Kitten’s Eyes Glued Shut in Heinous Act of Cruelty

A kitten was abducted by cruel abusers who glued her eyes shut.

Joanne Fletcher from Ashton, Greater Manchester, was distraught when her eight-month-old cat named Kitkat came home ‘dripping in glue’ and her eyes were glued shut.

Of course, she rushed the kitty to the vets, and they had to pry her eyes open and remove much of her fur.

‘My poor baby came home with her eyes glued shut,’ Joanne wrote on Facebook. ‘Some sickos around thinking it’s funny, she was petrified.’

The vet gave her some optivcal drops and expects the cat to make a full recovery within a week or so – but the young cat has understandably been left shaken.

Joanne said: ‘I was shocked – as I was looking at her face I knew there was something wrong, I couldn’t see her eyes, I had to get her off the wall and check her. She was shaken up, rubbing her eyes, she wouldn’t even eat for two days. It really did upset me and my daughter.”

‘She is fine now, but still hiding away and won’t leave the garden anymore. Her eyes are still sore.’


An RSPCA spokesman stated: ‘It is terrible to hear about what this poor little kitten has been through and the pain she must have endured. We would urge her owner to report the matter to the RSPCA by calling our 24-hour cruelty line on 0300 1234 999 and would ask anyone who may know about what happened to this cat to get in touch.”

‘We would also like to remind the public that the Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes it an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal and, if prosecuted, courts may impose a term of imprisonment of up to six months and/or a fine of up to £20,000.’

In addition, Peta associate director Elisa Allen said the organization is offering a further £1,000 reward to anyone who can provide information leading to a conviction of the perpetrator(s) to the RSPCA.

‘The pain and fear that this cat must have experienced are unimaginable, and whoever is responsible for this merciless act of cruelty must be found, as research into criminology and psychology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty to animals and get away with them can be a danger to the entire community,’ she said.

Less cruel humans. That’s what the world needs.
