Meet the Latest Internet Celebrity, “Moggy Stardust”

Gonna race some cat to bed

Gonna race some cat to bed

This mesmerizing looking cat is fast becoming an internet sensation by sharing a similar look with the late David Bowie.

His mismatched blue and green eyes have helped Alos attract an impressive 9,500 followers on Instagram.

David Bowie, who died back in January, was left with one permanently dilated pupil after a friend punched him in the eye during a fight over a girl while they were both just teenagers.

The injury gave the Starman singer the distinctive appearance of having one brown eye and one blue eye.

Ground control to Mouser Tom

Ground control to Mouser Tom

Alos’s eye-catching look is similar to Bowie’s pet dog, Max the Shih Tzu, who also has one blue eye and one brown eye.

Alos doesn’t live on Mars but instead resides with his owner in Turkey.


