Missing Ginger Cat Had to be “Flushed Out” of the Drain She Was Stuck in For Days!

Merry the cat, pictured with relieved owner Stelly Reid, had to be flushed out of a drain with a fire hose.

Merry the cat, pictured with relieved owner Stelly Reid, had to be flushed out of a drain with a fire hose.

KENT, UK – Merry the cat had to literally be flushed out of a drain with a fire hose when she became trapped.

SPCA Canterbury were alerted to a cat who was stuck in a drain in Wigram, Christchurch, at 6.30 pm on Tuesday.

Merry, a 3-year-old white and ginger cat, had been missing since this past weekend.

Animal ambulance driver Danielle Ogle arrived on the scene but had no luck enticing the feline from the drain. She thought Merry had been stuck there for quite some time.

Rescuers have a team talk to work out what to do next.

Rescuers have a team talk to work out what to do next.

“She kept darting back and forth, under the road, through the drainage system between three separate manholes. Local road workers stopped to help and each of us tried to pull her out.”

Ogle gave up as darkness fell, but decided to leave some cat food so Merry would not go hungry.

At 10am Merry emerged from the drain soaking wet, but in good health.

At 10am Merry emerged from the drain soaking wet, but in good health.

At 8am on Wednesday, Merry was still meowing incessantly for help, so the Addington Fire Service stepped in.

They then ran a hose down the drain pipe to flush Merry out. The plan worked.

At around 10 am, Merry emerged soaking wet, but in good health.

Merry’s microchip meant her owner, Stelly Reid, could then be tracked down.

Reid was very relieved to find her pet safe and sound.

“She was a Christmas surprise for my now 8-year-old son and [he] considers her his best friend.

“We are just so relieved and grateful that she was rescued and has returned home safe and sound.”
