Mom Sees Her Missing Cat on a Local Shelter’s Facebook Page After 3 Long Years!

This cute cat you can see on the pics is called Jimmy, and is one of the most mischievous cats we’ve ever seen. He can often be found wandering around the neighborhood and hanging out on parked cars. Jimmy spends a few hours outside and then finds his way home – it’s a common routine for him.

In 2014, the cat went outside, but never returned. Jimmy’s family spent hours looking for the cat, but he was never to be found. Susan Zelitsky, Jimmy’s owner, was devastated to lose her 13-year old friend. She and her family posted fliers all around the neighborhood, but no one reported anything on Jimmy for months. Susan finally gave up and lost all hope that Jimmy would return.

Life without Jimmy went on for two-and-a-half years, until a local shelter posted a stray on Facebook found on the street after a blizzard. While scrolling through her timeline, Susan froze when she saw Jimmy on the pics. She immediately contacted the shelter and went to see the cat, and it was Jimmy all right! The cat recognized Susan and her neighbor and they were finally reunited after nearly three years!

Jimmy recognized the whole family and they were over the moon to find their long-lost kitty. Now aged 16, the cat still likes hanging out on parked cars around the neighborhood, but this time under the supervision of his Mom and Dad. We’re so glad Jimmy is reunited with his owners – it’s a wonderful story which shows that giving up is not an option.