NSW Cat Yoshi Goes Hiking, Camping and Boating with His Owners!

AUSTRALIA - This fearless, adventurous kitty loves nothing more than getting on the open road with his owners to go camping, hiking, fishing and even boating.

Three-year-old Yoshi regularly jumps into the car with owners Kristy and Peter Schilling and their son Thomas to have adventures in his native New South Wales, Australia.

And even more unusually, he doesn’t mind at all wearing a leash.
Yoshi scales trees and explores sandy beaches while in the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast, all while pimpin’ his harness, which is secured around his waist.

He doesn’t seem to mind getting out on the water either or staying in a tent either.

Kristy, 33, stated: ‘The first time we decided to take him in the car for an adventure, we started off on a short trip to show him that it was fun, and that not every car trip results in a vet check up!

‘He had a great time, and since then when we grab his harness he knows that we’re heading somewhere fun and he wants in, rather than being left home alone.’

The family adopted Yoshi after he was found along with his brother. They had been dumped in a cardboard box by the side of the road when he was just two months old.

Kristy stated: ‘We saw a giant “adopt a kitten here” sign. It sounds cheesy, but it really was a sign from the universe, so in we went and decided to surprise Thomas with a kitten - he was overjoyed.

‘People say our cat thinks he’s a dog!

‘He’s a great companion for a little boy - we take him boating, camping, fishing and hiking - and he’s brought a whole new level of happy to our home.

‘When we do go somewhere without him we talk about how we wish we could have brought him along, and we hope he lives a very long life so he can enjoy as much of the fun with us as possible.’
