Paralyzed Black Cat Showers Sick Animals With Love At This Special Veterinary Clinic!

RUSSIA - If you or anyone you know has ever experienced an illness or injury in their lifetime, even a minor one, then you know that having someone by your side can make a world of difference. Just having a loved one by your side can be very encouraging, and can actually help with recovery time.

In addition, you don’t need to be a nurse or someone with medical training to provide healing or even lifesaving comfort to someone in need. And as in this story, you don’t even have to be human.

At Clinic Fang, an animal clinic in Perm, which is located Russia, there’s a very special member of the staff who’s been providing unconditional love and care to the sick and injured animals who pass through the doors, and he’s absolutely perfect at his job — because he simply knows how it is to need a friend.


Lucifer is a black cat, but he usually goes by Luc, for short. When Luc was first rescued, his back legs were paralyzed, probably from a spinal injury. But he didn’t let that stop him.

Animals are really very good at taking care of one another, no matter what differences they might have in appearance. We here at The Best Cat Page believe we can all learn a lot from them on caring and acceptance.

Just check out Lucifer’s story below. He even “tells” it in his very own words!

“Now I am very happy because I have work and family. I like to help animals in my clinic, support them, and explain that they need to live.”

“After suffering myself, I can now really understand others. I often cuddle with patients to keep them warm.”

“I still have difficulties walking, but nothing can stop me from comforting other healing animals.”

“Animals at the clinic enjoy my comforting presence.”


In fact, Luc does a whole lot more than simply comforting them. He’s even saved a few lives.

Luc was found to be the purr-fect match for a few cats that needed blood transfusions. And so naturally, the staff was right there to make sure he was never in any danger.

“I am very proud of this, and I take my job very seriously!”

“Also, I am a model and we make a lot of advertising in our marketing department.”


It’s quite true. You can find Luc’s image on Clinic Fang’s social media and WEBSITE.

However, he tries his very best to not let the fame get to his head.

OK, well, maybe he likes to wear a crown sometimes, but we think he deserves the honor!

“No, I am not a star. I am a cat, but sometimes I feel like a human. I want to say a big thanks to my clinic for this chance to live and help animals in need.”


If you wish to see more of Luc and the animals he helps, check him out on Instagram, and SHARE this incredible kitty with all of your friends!
