PETA Protesting Santa Monica College’s Use of Cat Dissections in Anatomy Course!

CALIFORNIA — The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is currently calling on Santa Monica College to stop the disgusting use of animals to teach anatomy after two students complained to the group.

According to the animal rights group, the school requires all students to dissect cats for its Anatomy 1 course, even if the students are ethically opposed to it. PETA has actually sent the school a letter asking it to drop animal dissections in favor of using computer software to teach anatomy.

“Every day, PETA hears from students who are ethically opposed to cutting open animals’ bodies in outdated classroom exercises,” PETA senior director of youth outreach and campaigns Marta Holmberg stated. “Non-animal teaching tools are effective, humane, and less expensive — and it’s time for Santa Monica College to make the switch.”

The PETA also released a graphic video, which allegedly shows students dissecting a pregnant cat in the class while the professor discusses feline reproduction. The video is available on PETA’s website and also their YouTube channel.

In response to the letter from PETA and others about the video allegedly filmed at the school’s lab, Santa Monica College stated that it does not order pregnant cats and only obtain animals from humane societies after they have been euthanized in accordance with government guidelines.

“If students do not wish to directly participate in the dissections, they are allowed to observe others performing the task,” the school noted in a statement to Patch. “Santa Monica College strives to ensure that our instructors conduct lab activities with sensitivity and consideration.”

Any students who feel that the conduct within the lab was inappropriate or disrespectful may file a complaint with the department by emailing, the school said.

Santa Monica College went on to explain that dissection is used in accordance with federal and state guidelines and based on “a clearly defined curriculum objective in line with the policies of professional organizations.”

According to PETA, manyl colleges around the country have dropped animal dissections in favor of computer software and other educational tools.
