Pudd the Cat Ruins Young Boy’s Day by Stealing His Macaroni and Cheese Lunch - VIDEO

Lisa Alberta's cat, Pudd, has a starring role in a video to be aired on America's Funniest Videos. (Photo: Alberta Family)

Lisa Alberta’s cat, Pudd, has a starring role in a video to be aired on America’s Funniest Videos.
(Photo: Alberta Family)

LOGAN, NEW JERSEY - Lisa Alberta sort of feels guilty about grabbing the camera instead of helping her son.

The Alberta family, of Logan Township, will be on an episode of America's Funniest Videos. (Photo: Alberta Family)

The Alberta family, of Logan Township, will be on an episode of America’s Funniest Videos. (Photo: Alberta Family)

However, seeing the dinner table shenanigans captured on film just a few years ago broadcast on national TV will likely ease her guilt.

Alberta, of Logan, learned Thursday that the video of the family cat swiping her son’s mac-and-cheese will air on ABC’s “America’s Funniest Videos” on Sunday night.

“It was just a normal day at home. We were eating lunch and the cat — who we didn’t know at the time was sick — was acting strangely and then jumped up on the table,” Alberta admitted.

Pudd the cat’s antics didn’t sit well with her son Adam, but apparently proved quite hilarious to his mom and siblings.

Adam’s fellow triplets, Matthew and Emily, were laughing, older brother Michael poked at the cat with a straw - but Alberta kept filming.

The footage then sat on a hard drive for a few years until Alberta showed it to some colleagues who convinced her she should send it to “AFV.”

“I really didn’t think anything would come of it,” Alberta told the Courier-Post on this past Friday. “We all think our kids are the funniest and cutest.”

Show officials called Thursday to let her know the clip would be featured in Sunday’s episode.

Alberta isn’t sure just how much of the video will air, but is pleased that she and her family get to be a part of a show they watch faithfully each week.

And Adam, whom Alberta describes as the most sensitive of her kids, is taking it all in stride.

“Ironically enough, he’s very excited about it,” she stated. “I was worried he might be upset at crying on national TV, but he thinks he’s going to win a million dollars and be famous.”

Sunday’s episode airs on ABC at 7 p.m. and the Alberta’s clip will be available on the show’s YouTube and Facebook pages afterwards.
