Rally Cat “Interrupts” Last Night’s Angels’ Game! - VIDEO!


ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - Last night during the bottom of the fourth inning, a very magical thing happened; one of those amazing moments in life that you’ll always want to tell your great grandchildren about as they stare in awe and disbelief. If there is any hope in this doomed season, then it will be that this moment will turn into a tidal wave of good vibes and mojo that the Rally Monkey once wielded in those early 2000s salad days. It’s all about The Rally Cat.

With the score 3-3 and two men on, time out was called on the field for some unknown reason…but everyone would know soon enough that it was because a ferocious feline appeared on the Angels’ infield grass and proceeded to run wild and free across the diamond to the delight of all the fans in attendance. People cheered, people gasped, applauded, and all while this brave kitty streaked through the Big A, and right into our hearts.

Just in case there is any wondering about the power of this Rally Cat, the Angels would go on to score a couple runs immediately after the cat was wrangled and taken to Billy Eppler’s office, where he signed Rally Cat to an entire three year deal. The Angels had fantastic 5-3 lead and just like that Rally Cat had applied a soothing salve to our collective Angels baseball wounds.

This comes almost exactly two years after everyone had their first taste of a Rally Cat, but that cat didn’t do anything early as cool as sprinting through the actual game and stopping everyone in their tracks from pure enjoyment and delight; that cat just sort of chilled on the batter’s eye and people took pics of it.

Way to go, Rally Cat!
