Rescue Cat Clings to Her Rescuer Every Time He Comes to Visit

A man rescued a cat from an abusive home and slowly helped her to trust again. Now every time he goes to visit Fancy the cat, she snuggles up to him.

“My rescue cat stayed with my parents when moved out, she gets so clingy when I visit!” reddit user twellsphoto wrote.

“Due to her last home being very abusive, her emotional state is very quirky. It took me about three months to get her to come out from under the bed. I placed her food and water and litter box under there until she was ready.”

“She’s been with my parents for nearly two years and they spoil her rotten, plus her Boston Terriers love Fancy to death. When I moved in with my wife she had a little dog that plays way to rough and I fear Fancy would not be able to handle him. Every time I visit my parents I spend as much time as possible with Fancy.”

Cats never forget who helps them.


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