Roux the New Orleans Cat is Stealing Hearts All Over the World, Two Legs at a Time! - VIDEO!

LOUISIANA - New Orleans’ hottest social media star is literally as cute as they come. Roux the cat is showing the Instagram world that having four legs is totally overrated.

Roux the cat only has two legs. She currently lives in Uptown with her adopted family, two other cats, and two rabbits.

Her owner, whose name is Jackie Deak Akey, works at a vet’s office in Uptown. She got a call at the clinic from an animal rescuer who said there was a two-legged cat that was surrendered to a local shelter.

“I saw a picture of her first, and it was love at first sight,” Akey stated. “I brought her home that night and she’s been with us ever since.”

Roux was born with only two legs, and she tries to move her body as if she has four legs.

Akey also has two other cats, her “four-leggers,” as she calls them. She says having the other two cats greatly helps Roux.

“She plays with them. She does whatever they do,” Akey claims.

Akey started an Instagram page for Roux (@lilbunnysueroux) back in April of 2015. As of Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, Roux had a whopping total of 374,000 followers.

People have even sent in artwork of Roux from all parts of the globe.

“If you have an opportunity to adopt a pet, it’s a very admirable cause. People may see an animal with a disability, or even a person with a disability and automatically go to the thought of, ‘Oh, I feel so sorry for that animal or that person.’ They’re not looking for sympathy. They’re looking to live a normal life. They can do that by just being accepted and being loved.”
