The Adorable Cat With ‘Googly’ Eyes and a Broken Leg Who Refuses to Give Up on Life!

Igor is a black, two-year-old cat who was thankfully rescued from the streets by Joseph’s Legacy. She is extremely unique, her tail is little and stubby and her eyes seem unlike any others, but that does not make her any less of a sweet kitty.

The kitty’s “googly” eyes, as Igor’s carers refer to them, are a birth defect. Although they do not function properly, the cat can still see. Her very unusual tail could also be something she was born with – or might have been lost along the way. Igor was also recently fixed and still has a little scabby ear tip.

The big issue she hasn’t overcome is a recently broken leg, which is hindering her progress.

This kitty was incredibly fortunate to be found at all – with the broken leg, it is quite hard for her to walk.

She is currently on pain medication, received treatment for fleas and parasites, had her ears cleaned, and all the annoying burrs that had been stuck to her side needed to be shaved.

Joseph’s Legacy team wrote that Igor’s eyes are “a little crazy but also beautiful at the same time.”

Be sure to check out the video of her below!

The mandatory surgery means that this lovely cat also needs funds towards the procedure. Igor and her carers would appreciate all help the kitty receives from those who are able to offer it.

And, if you would like to learn more about Joseph’s Legacy, click here.

Credits: Joseph’s Legacy/