Serial “Cat Clipper” Feared to Be on the Loose With Pet Cats Returning Home SHAVED!

DEVON, UK – A growing number of cat owners in Devon are worried their pets are being targeted after a number have come home with shave marks on their heads

A serial cat clipper is feared to be officially on the loose in a city – with several felines coming home SHAVED.

Shocked Charlene Freeman, 28, is adamant that her pet Charlie has been targeted by the cruel act after he returned home with a big shave mark across the top of his head.

Charlie who was shaved by a stranger

Charlie who was shaved by a stranger

And when mum-of-three raised the alarm with other pet owners, a wave of other potential victims in the areas of Plymouth, Devon, have come forward with similar tales of woe.

It is now feared that the mystery ‘Plymouth cat shaver’ has struck at least six times over the course of recent weeks in several suburbs across the city.

Vets say that bald patches may appear suddenly for a variety of reasons – such as medical and skin conditions.

However, Charlene insists the true cause of Charlie missing a clump of fur behind his ear is more sinister.

She had initially assumed that the one-year-old kitty had been in a fight on Monday after developing a bald patch.

The bald patches which appeared on Charlie's head

The bald patches which appeared on Charlie’s head

But a few days later he came home with what she could only describe as “a big shave mark” on the top of his head, which spread from ear to ear.

She stated: “I was very confused about what was going on. The skin is smooth where it’s bald and the edges are smooth; I have no doubt he’s been shaved.”

Charlene’s daughter then pointed out that she could see yet another bald spot on Charlie’s back.

She claims he “wasn’t himself” and “looked unsure”, adding to her fears that her cat had been targeted.

She went on to add: “It can’t be a skin condition because the patches came up too quickly, and I don’t believe it is ringworm or a fungal infection because the skin is so smooth.”

Since posting about it on Facebook, many other Plymouth residents have shared stories of their cats being targeted.

Back in March, the RSPCA were alerted to cases of cat shaving in the Cotswolds. dubbed the Cotswolds cat shaver, where up to 10 cats were all suspected to have been stripped of their fur with clippers.

Vet nurse Sarah Spinks from the PDSA , is now urging cat owners in Plymouth not to panic.

She stated: “Cats can develop bald patches for many reasons.

“I’d advise owners who have noticed anything like this on their cat to contact their vet in the first instance, as their pet may require treatment.”
