Even for cat lovers, ten cats may be a bit much to care for, especially all on your own.
But that doesn’t apply to the kindhearted actress Sunwoo Sun, who is determined that she will take care of ten Persian cats by herself. The actress had started off with one pair of two Persians named Lucky and Blanchet, who mated and thus, increased her household size to 10+.
On the February 21 episode of ‘Animal Farm,’ Sunwoo Sun explained that she had aided in the delivery of Blanchet’s six-kitty litter. She even explained how she is the one who severed the umbilical cords of the kittens herself.
She said, “I delivered the cats myself and cut their umbilical cords, so I have a special place in my heart for [the cats]. The feeling was very strange yet wonderful. I felt like I was their mother so I found that I couldn’t part with them.”
We here at The Best Cat Page wish Sunwoo Sun the best with all of her fur-babies!