Stowaway Cat Travels More Than 100 Nautical Miles on Private Yacht, Needs Help Getting Home

SCOTLAND - She’d hitchhike all the way back to Harris if she could.

A cat who was found on a charter yacht that sailed to Oban, Scotland, from Harris, apparently traveled over 100 nautical miles on the ship, and she now needs someone to take her back home.

“Through Facebook we have discovered that she is part of a feral colony that has been spayed and neutered by the fishermen on Harris who feed them and in return the cats keep down the mice and rat population!” quotes a Facebook post from Argyll Animal Aid, who took the cat in. “This wee soul stowed aboard and has ended up with us.”

It turns out that the fisherman would like the kitty to get back to where she belongs — but how exactly she’ll get there is the big question. Harris is situated on the largest island in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, a place which isn’t exactly easy to get to.

The feline sailed to Oban, Scotland, from Harris (above), where she had been living with a colony of cats

The feline sailed to Oban, Scotland, from Harris (above), where she had been living with a colony of cats

“They would like her back but it might take some time unless we can organize someone to take her at least to the ferry going to Harris,” says the post. “So……anyone out there that can help with this? Give Jean a call if you can help in any way please 01631 566406.”

The pretty kitty is seen sitting in a cat carrier in a photo on the Cat Protection – Isle of Lewis and Harris Branch Facebook page, who have shared the story.

“She is semi-feral, she is used to being fed,” Jean Sutherland of Argyll Animal Aid explained to The Press Journal, who reported the story. “It would be really nice to get her back to her colony that she knows, it’s her family at the end of the day. Hopefully, we will get somebody going up that way who wouldn’t mind taking her.”
