This is the story of Orion, a 16-year-old cat who lost the only home he ever knew. When he arrived at the Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary in Fort Worth Texas, he wasn’t so confident and did nothing but hide!
He hid for almost a week!
“He lost his only home, and he’s unsure of his new one, but he sure likes to sneak up and cuddle when you’re taking a nap. Welcome home, Orion. We’re happy to have you,” Karyn Poplin of Kitty Adventure Rescue League said.
It wasn’t too long before another of the resident cats, named Britches, came to Orion’s rescue to comfort him with cuddles and lots of purrs. Britches herself has been a resident at the sanctuary for 18 years!
Once Orion realized just how much Britches loved him, he slowly but surely began to come out of his shell and come back to life!
It wasn’t too long before Orion was back to doing what he loves to do most … giving head bonks to everyone!
And now, Orion shows his gratitude each and every day for this new and wonderful place he gets to call home!
Sometimes all we need is someone to believe is us, and love us back into the real world.