CARBON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA - A Carbon County woman was really glad that her friend convinced her to donate her couch to the local thrift store instead of dropping it off to the dump, because her cat just so happened to be hiding inside.
By the time the friends got home, they checked their Facebook feed and found an employee from the Deseret Industries in Price had already posted a photograph of the donated couch and a cat sitting on top with this message:
Brittnie Arroyo was helping her friend Rachel Barbee move on this past Saturday and all day long they had been donating boxes of items to the D.I. When it came to getting rid of her worn out couch, Barbee figured she should just take it to the dump because no one would want it.
“I was like just take it to the D.I., you never know.” Arroyo told 2News. “She would have never seen her cat again if she would have taken it to the dump.”
Arroyo said they packed up the couch in the truck and had it just sitting there for about 25 minutes before they took it to the thrift store. They didn’t hear a “meow” or anything like it from the male cat known as Tiny One.
Barbee and Arroyo hadn’t even been home long enough to realize that her cat was missing. When they were eating they noticed a post on Facebook that someone had shared as a funny online yard sale posting. Arroyo laughed and thought it was funny that someone donated a cat and a couch at the D.I., then she recognized who the cat was.
“I was like, ‘oh, my gosh, that’s your cat — you have got to call.'” Arroyo said. “Rachel, you’re cat is at the D.I.”
Barbee yelled in amazement, “My baby!”
They had no idea just what to do next or how they would find its owner.
“We usually give people their donation receipt and don’t see them again,” Kemp said. “We didn’t know exactly what to think about it or do.”
Then one employee had the idea to post a photo on the Facebook page. Within just 30 minutes Barbee came to pick up and claim her cat after seeing it on social media.
This certainly isn’t the first survival experience Tiny One has encountered. The cat was found as a kitten abandoned in the gutter outside of a home. Barbee nursed it back to health and he has grown especially attached to it over the years. She never had any intention at all of giving her cat away. It was a complete accident.
“We could just not believe,” Arroyo said adding that they had a good laugh at the ridiculous situation with the couch. “It was pretty funny.”
Kemp was shocked at just how quickly the word spread online. He thought that they would be taking it to the shelter for sure. But this store which is known for giving things “a new life,” gave a least one life back to this cat.