Two Lucky Black Kittens Rescued from Anfield Rubble Seconds Before Builders Dumped Them From Digger!

LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND - Two kittens were miraculously and thankfully rescued from the scoop of a digger at the Anfield stadium building site just seconds before they were dumped from a huge digger.

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary have now taken in the brother and sister, which have been named Stevie and Sturridge, but staff fear that their mama may have been crushed amid the building work.

Founder of the charity, Stef Taylor, stated: “We were called out this afternoon to Liverpool Football Club’s stadium.

Two kittens had a miraculous escape from the rubble at Anfield after being spotted by builders demolishing the old stadium.

Two kittens had a miraculous escape from the rubble at Anfield after being spotted by builders demolishing the old stadium.


“Builders were demolishing the old stadium and removing the rubble with a digger. A builder called Stewart Barker spotted something moving in the digger scoop just as he was about to dump the rubble into a huge industrial skip.

“They looked through the rubble they had just lifted and found these two small kittens.

“The builders searched where they had been digging and found the kittens, but sadly they suspect their mum and other siblings had already been crushed during the demolition.”

Stevie and Sturridge somehow managed to escape the rubble in relatively good condition. They suffered just a couple of cuts on their faces and burns from the heat of the concrete.

Stef added: “We brushed and brushed them for about two hours today and there is still dust coming out of their fur.

“It’s phenomenal how much dust was on them.”


Stef said she expects, due to their pleasant and quite confident natures, Stevie and Sturridge weren’t feral cats, but she doesn’t know exactly where they have come from or how long they had been stuck in the demolished stand.

Stef went on to say: “We are going to keep brushing them tomorrow again to get rid of all the dust.

“And providing there are no complications with their recovery, they will be able to be adopted in three weeks.”
