UPDATE – Browser The Library Cat Who Was “Fired” Last Week, Gets Some Good News!

TEXAS – “Browser is reinstated at the library!”

The issue which has put the small town of White Settlement on the map has been solved. The city council voted unanimously just on Friday to keep Browser the cat at the library.

Seems like a silly issue for a city council to take on and tackle, but it was no laughing matter for the city after last week’s 2-to-1 vote by the city council to relocate Browser.

And it wasn’t just the local residents who wanted the four-legged librarian to stay.

“I have 1,200 emails from all over the world saying we should let him stay,” Mayor Ronald White stated.

A petition which garnered 800 signatures on Monday gathered over 19,000 by Friday!

“The funny thing about this is up until just a few weeks ago, there’s never been any complaint, publicly, here at city hall or the library,” Mayor White stated. “And I think the story here is, and the lesson learned is, if you put something on Facebook, it’s gonna go worldwide!”

Certainly has been a rough chapter in the life of Browser the Library Cat, but Browser is moving on and now he is free to write the next chapter of his life at the White Settlement Library.

Way to go, Browser!
