WATCH: Helpless Kitten Rescued After Getting Stuck in Barbed Wire 50ft Up Castle Wall!

Just like knights of old, firefighters and the RSCPA charged together unto the breach at Pembroke Castle and pulled the three-month-old moggie to safety.

The young cat has now been dubbed Henry after one of the Welsh castle’s most famous inhabitants, King Henry VII who was born there in 1457.

A sightseer thankfully spotted the kitten trapped in thick foliage and raised the alarm.

The video footage shows the youngster’s pitiful pleas as an anxious rescue team began its mission to storm the battlements, using rope lines.

The young cat has now been named Henry after one of the Welsh castle's most famous inhabitants

The young cat has now been named Henry after one of the Welsh castle’s most famous inhabitants


RSPCA animal collection officer Ellie West, who alerted the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, stated: “It really was a horrible ordeal for the kitten, but by chance someone saw him struggling on the wall.

“The fire service were absolutely brilliant. They had a safety line and went over the wall down about eight foot and rescued the kitten.

“The poor little thing was so frightened. We don’t know how he got there.”

ACO took Henry immediately to the vets where he was given antibiotics and pain relief.

She went on to add: “He is very sore and bruised and he has torn a bit of his skin on his thigh which should heal, but he is doing really well and is now recovering from his ordeal in our care.

“He’s eaten well overnight which is good as he’s actually a little skinny under all that fur.

“We think he may be a stray cat, but we are still appealing for information just in case he has an owner out there who is frantically looking for him, although he didn’t have a microchip or collar.”

A sightseer luckily spotted the kitten trapped in thick foliage and raised the alarm

A sightseer luckily spotted the kitten trapped in thick foliage and raised the alarm


Pembroke Castle manager Jon Williams explained that for all its history, the rescue was a new experience at the famous landmark.

He stated: “I would like to thank the RSPCA for responding so quickly and also to the local fire brigade who came out and climbed over the wall to rescue the kitten safely.

“I don’t think anything has ever happened like this at the castle before.”

If anyone out there has information about this kitten or his owner, they are urged to contact the RSPCA inspectorate appeal line on 0300 123 8018. If an owner is not located, the kitten will be rehomed in the near future.
