Woman Built Something to Help Local Kitties Escape the Cold!

TURKEY – A woman in Turkey who was concerned about stray cats wandering the around chilly alleys of her hometown during a winter cold front has created the purr-fect solution–and built a feline-friendly ladder to transport the kitties directly into her living room.

“I made the ladder so the cats can come into my comfortable house,” Şebnem Ilhan, a dentist and cat enthusiast, explained to The Dodo.

The cat-ladder stretches from the sidewalk all the way up to the window and is adorned with flower pots lest her neighbors complain about the kitty contraption.

“I thought if I put some flower pots there, it wouldn’t bother anyone,” Ilhan went on to say.

Thankfully, her neighbors in the town of Tekirdag, Turkey don’t seem to mind, and so far countless cats have taken advantage of her hospitality.

“I wish no animal is hungry or thirsty, just happy,” she stated. “This world is not just for people.”

What a wonderful woman!

via nypost.com