Cat-loving Brit Dies After Plunging Head First from 26ft Roof in Turkey While Hanging Out the Wash!

TURKEY/ENGLAND – A cat-loving British woman has died in a popular Turkish resort having plummeted off a roof while hanging out her washing.

Carol Duncalf, who is thought to be in her 60s, plunged 26ft head first onto a concrete courtyard in Marmaris.


The ex-pat was always known for feeding stray cats – and witnesses said hordes of felines gathered at the spot where she fell and refused to move.

Carol, who had been living in Marmaris for quite some time, had been drinking according to police.

Officers said she had visited a neighbor for a drink and a chat just prior to returning home to hang her clothes out to dry on her roof.

However, she lost her balance and fell off.

Police are investigating the cat-lover's death

Police are investigating the cat-lover’s death

Carol fell from the balcony while hanging out her washing

Carol fell from the balcony while hanging out her washing


A passer-by who saw her fall immediately called the emergency services but Ms Duncalf died at the scene.

Police closed off the street while a team of investigators determined that the cause of death was a brain hemorrhage caused by the fall.

Ms Duncalf’s body was later taken to the Marmaris State Hospital morgue and from there was transferred to the Mugla Forensic Medicine Institute for a final examination.

Her social media profile revealed that she was a single woman who originally hailed from Northwich in Cheshire where she had gone to school and college.

Ms Duncalf had been living by herself for some time in Marmaris where she was known as an animal lover.

She supported the work of animal rescue associations in the region and also fed many of the stray cats in the neighborhood.

Marmaris lies on the Mediterranean coast and is one of Turkey’s most popular tourist resorts. The town’s winter population of about 30,000 swells up to about 400,000 in the summer.

Marmaris is a popular resort in Turkey

Marmaris is a popular resort in Turkey


Our hearts here at The Best Cat Page go out to the family and friends of Carol Duncalf.
