Cat-loving Cabbie Leaves Purr-fect Gift to Felines!

CANADA - George Seliga’s generous donation before his death back in 2013 grants the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA with $65,000 every year for animal health.

A cat-loving cabbie’s dyingl wish leaves a “purr-fect” legacy to local felines with an ongoing gift aimed at ensuring the well-being of cats “forever.”

George Seliga, who was a long-time Hamilton cab owner died in 2013 at the age of 66. Well known as a life-long pet lover, his dying wish was to ensure fruitful lives for cats, with an annual grant to the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA.

“Pets provide companionship and are important family members for so many people,” Terry Cooke, Hamilton Community Foundation president & CEO explained. “We are thrilled to have helped Mr. Seliga create the legacy he wanted.”

Through his estate, Seliga established that a whopping total of $65,000 would be given to Hamilton/Burlington SPCA every year through the Hamilton Community Foundation. To benefit animals “forever,” he established an endowed fund, which means that the donation will be invested to generate income that will be granted to the HBSPCA every year.


“It’s just one wonderful example of the many donors who have entrusted the Foundation to help them support those things that have had meaning to them during their lives — even when their own lives are over,” Cooke stated.

The donation will be going to expanding programs to provide cat owners with “three essential things” for a cat’s well-being, which include spaying and neutering, providing regular veterinary care, and having them micro-chipped for a safe return home if lost, HBSPCA CEO Marion Emo went on to explain.

She claims the grant will also provide more access to pet services for low-income families and rescue groups.

“Every spring, our kennels and foster homes are filled with homeless and neglected cats and kittens,” she stated.

“Combined with education about responsible cat care, we are confident that abandoned cat populations will significantly decrease and every cat will be a wanted cat.”

Don’t we all wish we could do something like this for the kitties?
