‘Please Look After Me’ Cat Ditched by Owners With Note Begging to Be Cared For!

ENGLAND – The tabby, who is believed to be three years old, was left outside the West Midlands Animal Welfare Sanctuary, which is in Wednesbury, England.

It is also believed that the owner could not afford the vets bills, which would have set them back $400, and decided to just ditch the kitty.

Cat with a tumour was abandoned with note around its neck

Cat with a tumour was abandoned with note around its neck


Owner of the sanctuary, whose name is Joyce Clarke, is now pleading for donations after taking the cat, named Millie, into her care.

Ms Clarke, who is 63, stated: “We found her outside the sanctuary with a note saying ‘please look after me, my name is Millie’.

“We took her to the vets and she has a tumor on the bottom of her paw.

“It’s benign but it needs to be removed, and it’s going to cost about £300.

“I imagine her owner couldn’t pay the bill and knew I would look after her.”

The tabby believed to be three-years-old was left outside an animal sanctuary

The tabby believed to be three-years-old was left outside an animal sanctuary


Millie is still waiting to get the operation.

Ms Clarke went on to add: “She’s a bit depressed at the moment, she’s obviously missing the people who abandoned her.

“She’s quite sad but she’s getting better.

“It’s wrong what the owners did but you have to look at all the different sides to the story.

“It’s a very expensive bill and they probably didn’t know what to do.

“She hasn’t had the operation yet, we’re waiting to see if anyone can help out with donations.”
