An adorable kitty seems to have found a nice place to take a nap… except there was somebody already there taking a snooze.
So the cat did the same exact thing any cat would do - claim the bed as their own.
“At my friend’s church, the church cat has evicted the baby Jesus from the manger #JoyToTheWorld“
“Our baby Jesus is currently in the fruit bowl… waiting,” Kate Bottley explained on twitter.
The tweet has since been re-tweeted tens of thousands of retweets and shares so far… and it’s only going to get bigger.
The manager was originally for the toddler nativity play, and they couldn’t help but laugh and take a picture. They had no idea the internet would love it so much.
“The cat has form by the way, here he is on the offering plate.”
The cat happens to be a local church resident and is absolutely loved by all church goers. Baby Jesus wasn’t able to comment, but we’re sure he didn’t mind.
“I’m the messiah now. Peace be with you… and give me some fishy treats.”
Are we surprised?