Cutest Train of Thirteen Tiny Adorable Kittens!

The Video at the end features about thirteen tiny kitties who were born to two rescue cats.

They are outside for a little exercise and fun in the yard.

They all start chasing after their ‘human mama’ and toward the end, form one of the most adorable conga lines of kittens!

Stacy Cuccia, their human mommy wrote on social media: ‘We had saved 3 abandoned kittens and discovered that the 2 females were already pregnant, even though they were small and malnourished. Not only did we nurse the rescues back to health, we fostered the 13 kittens they had until we’d found homes for 10 of them! We also made sure that all 3 of the original rescues were fixed and vaccinated, as well as ALL of the kittens, including the 3 we kept.’

What adorable little livewires!

Watch the Congo line here:
