Cat Approaches Baby’s Swing – What Happens Next Will Astound You!

If you’ve ever read the book Peter Pan, which was written by J.M. Barrie, or watched any of the movies, then you are certainly familiar with Nana, who is the fluffy family dog that also serves as the Darling children’s beloved nanny.

The idea of a dog serving as a child’s nanny doesn’t seem so unbelievable, thanks in part to the popularity of Peter Pan, but also because dogs are generally known as nurturing, patient and loving.

The same is unfortunately not so true for cats. Cats are seldom—if ever—seen as nurturing or patient creatures and therefore, aren’t generally thought of as good companions or caretakers of human children.

Are you tired of seeing cats get a bad rap? Well, just below, you will find some evidence showing that our feline friends are not only capable of babysitting feats but are also quite willing to lend a paw when necessary.

Exhibit A. Cats have truly mastered pushing things in swings.

The calico in this first clip shows off some exceptional purr-owess in the nurturing arts as she helps to rock this baby back to sleep.

This gorgeous black and white cat has this swing thing down to a science.

“Relax, everyone! I’ve got this”!

And this orange tabby even has the worried parent look down to a ‘T’.

“You sit tight, human – I’ll check on the baby.”

Exhibit B. Cats are pros at giving baths.

This kitty has bath time all taken care of.

Exhibit C. Cats are wonderful soothers.

“There there, tiny human! You just be quiet and go to sleep now”!

Are any of YOUR cats babysitters?

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