Dasha, World’s fluffiest and most aggressive wild kitten

Dasha, world.

Dasha is a cute, but aggressive wild kitten who’s finally going back to the wild after being raised by humans. Dasha was found alone in Siberia and would have died for sure if it wasn’t for Russian park rangers.

The kitty was on the verge of death after being abandoned by her mother.

This kitten is a Pallas cat, a rare wild cat who lives in caves in the wild.

After staying with humans for a while, Dasha is finally strong enough to return to the wild. In the meantime, she has earned her status as a social media star in Russia after posing for more than a few pics at the Dauria nature reserve.

Vadim Kirilyuk, the reserve’s director, says that the kitty spent at least a few days in hiding inside an abandoned train carriage in Siberia. The kitten was noticed after shouting a faint meow.

She was immediately brought back to the reserve, with the staff being unsure how to feed the obviously starving kitty. Fortunately, Moscow zoo helped – they were to give Dasha food through a syringe. The staff had to force the kitty to eat and drink – it was a tough road ahead for the wild kitten without her mother.

Her eye color changed after a month, and the scientists let this kitty out of the reserve after a couple of months spent in.

“She ran back immediately to us,” Kirilyuk says smiling.

After 3 months of constant care, it’s time for this kitten to go home. However, she’ll still stay under the reserve’s supervision, as she’s not ready on being alone. Cats like Dasha are nearing extinction, and it would be a shame if the cute wild kitten didn’t make it. We have no doubt that Kirilyuk and Dauria’s staff will help her overcome any problem.
