Heroic Woman Does Something Awesome to Rescue Cats and Dogs From Hurricane Maria’s Path …

As hurricanes continue on ravaging the Carribean Islands, with Category 5 Hurricane Maria most recently destroying everything in her path, literally thousands of humans and animals alike have felt her wrath. Thankfully, there are dozens of groups and compassionate individuals who are stepping up to help.

Sali Gear, who is the co-founder of Island Dog Rescue, a group that specializes in saving dogs from the U.S. Virgin Islands is a true unsung hero for hundreds of animals stuck on the Islands. Sali actually chartered a plane to save 300 animals ahead of Hurricane Maria’s landfall. Serious hero alert!

Sali, along with some committed supporters charted the plane because, as she stated to Piolet Online, “it had to be done.”

Sali herself grew up on the islands and had been back to the Virgin Islands since Hurricane Irma devastated the area just two short weeks ago. Sadly, many of the animals had been left homeless, wandering the streets scrounging for food.

As of just recently, 300 dogs and cats were shipped off the islands and made their way safely to Norfolk, VA.

On the crowdfunding page for the mission, this update was has recently been posted:

“Over 300 animals were evacuated from the Virgin Islands on Monday, Sept 18th. The animals are currently in Virginia on Sali Gear’s ranch. She needs supplies, donations and help walking dogs.”

The crowdfunding page has already raised $11,950 of the groups initial $7,500 goal. If you are interested to help contribute, all donations will go directly to Island Dog Rescue’s efforts to help our furry friends. The chartered flight by itself cost $112,000 and all of the carriers cost $5,000.

All of the animals were brought to Sali’s ranch, where they eagerly wagged their tails and gave ‘thank you’ kisses to volunteers. Local rescue groups have been picking up the animals and then transporting them to places like Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and the greater Boston area. Amazing!

If you would like more information on Island Dog Rescue, click here.

Images source: Island Dog Rescue/Facebookwww.onegreenplanet.org