Justice Served! The Northampton Cat Killer Has Been Jailed for 3 Years!

Finally, some justice served. Brendan Gaughan from Northampton has been finally jailed after killing (and mutilating!) 7 cats and a series of arson attacks in June last year. The Northampton police has described Gaughan’s actions as worrisome and serious, deciding to put him in jail for more than 3 years.

After setting fire to a number of premises in 2017, Gaughan also killed 7 innocent cats, dismembering them and leaving the bodies in front of the doors of their owners, in their cars or gardens. The shocking crimes were not linked to the Croydon cat killings, but were just as disturbing.

The body of cat Rusty was left on the doorstep of its owner’s home

According to detective inspector Dave Harley, Gaughan admitted to the horrible offenses. Harley hopes that his jailing will give some close to the families who lost their pets in such a horrible way. We’re sure glad to see him locked away, and we mourn the deaths of the innocent kitties.