Man Massages Paralyzed Kitten’s Legs And Something Miraculous Happens …

When Mohammad Alsalem, who is from Damascus, Syria found a tiny kitten meowing outside his house, he soon noticed something strange.

The kitten wasn’t able to move her back legs, but instead dragged them behind her as she tried to walk.

Alsalem decided to name the ktty Piano due to her black and white fur, and brought her to the Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals (SARA) – which is a group of Syrian citizens who work to rescue animals despite the civil turmoil in the region.

Alsalem believed the kitten would need a wheelchair, however, still worked with SARA on healing Piano.

He went ahead and moved her feet, routinely massaging the kitten’s muscles.

After just about a month or so, something amazing happened: Piano fully regained use of her legs, and is now able to run around like a frisky little kitten.

Way to go, Alsalem and SARA, for not giving up on little Piano.

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