Meet Nikki the Hero Cat Who Alerted Her Family to a Break In!

UNITED KINGDOM – A pet cat is being hailed a heroine after alerting its owners to a burglary.

The Szpulecka family, whose name is Urszula, Robert and their daughter Justyna – were asleep when burglars forced their way in to their home in Harp Inge, Dalton at 5am this passed Wednesday morning.

However, their cat Nikki, upon hearing the intruders, darted upstairs and alerted Robert something was wrong.

Justyna, who is just 17, stated: “We have two cats and they are shut in the living room at night when we are asleep.

“My dad woke up to find Nikki scratching him and meowing and at first he tried to shoo her away.

“But she was really loud and he got up to take her back downstairs.

“That’s when he heard footsteps downstairs and realised we were being burgled.”

The family tried to call the police upstairs and realised their phone line had been cut and used a mobile to ring police.

Justyna stated: “We are relieved they didn’t come upstairs and that could be down to Nikki. She is a heroine.

“She is really afraid of strangers so she must have bolted as soon as the door was opened to the kitchen.

“It’s scary what has happened. We don’t even know how they got in as the windows and doors were locked.

“They stole two laptops, my dad’s rucksack, wallet, and bank cards.

“His wallet had £90 cash which he was going to use to pay the water bill which will have to wait now.

“He went to the bank to cancel his cards. We’ve been checking our paperwork and hope our insurance will cover it.”

The Szpulecka family moved to Huddersfield from Poland 12 years ago and this is the first time they have been burglarized.

West Yorkshire Police have been informed of the incident and are now investigating.
