This Poor Cat Almost Died Because Of A Common Household Item

One cat mom had the fright of her lifetime after her kitten, Ollie, got into an everyday household item and almost died.

User Ramphasto made a post on Imgur detailing all of the traumatic events.

The woman adopted Ollie from a shelter when he was just a wee kitten. As soon as she set eyes on him, she knew he was the one she wanted.

Ollie was a relatively healthy cat with absolutely no issues, until one day he began vomiting uncontrollably. Before too long he stopped moving completely.

Ramphasto immediately took the tiny feline to the emergency vet, where they performed x-rays and blood tests. Everyone soon discovered that he had a large mass in his stomach and intestines.

They needed to perform an emergency surgery to remove the mass, but not only was it risky, the young woman was only a student at the time and couldn’t afford the $4000 bill for the surgery.

She was then forced to open up a line of “Care Credit” to pay for the treatment Ollie needed.

Thankfully, the cat did make it through surgery, but she was horrified to discover what caused the feline’s symptoms: hair ties.

She stated in her post:

“When they showed me this bag of hair ties I wanted to hit myself. I felt so horrible for my ignorance. I would see him chewing up my hair ties and I would try to stop him, but I did not see or know he was actually swallowing them”.

The young woman is now warning pet owners everywhere, and especially those who have kittens or young cats, to be careful of leaving small loose items out around them. Too often, a cat’s curiosity will get the best of it and they seem to love to swallow things.

‘I wanted to tell this story because I’m not sure if other people know this about cats. Ollie almost died. I don’t want this to happen to other cats and cat owners. NEVER LET YOUR CAT CHEW ON ANYTHING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. THEY LOVE TO SWALLOW WEIRD S***”.

Ollie is now recovering from his surgery, and even seems to have let his brush with death impact his relations with the other foster cat in the home, acting as a “big brother.”
