She Found An Abandoned Kitten Inside A Trash Bag, And What She Did Next Brought Me To Tears.

BRAZIL – A kind-hearted woman by the name of Aline Martins was walking her dog one day through her neighborhood in Rio De Janeiro. That’s when she noticed a trash bag on the ground in the distance. At first, she thought it was just a bag of trash but then she noticed – the bag was moving.

At first, Aline thought nothing of it, but as she walked closer to the bag, she began to hear the sound of frantic meows coming from the inside of the bag.

Aline immediately knew she needed to do something and so she untied the bag and what she found shocked her – a dirty, wet wee one of a kitten who was in desperate need of help.


The kitten was very shaken up and scared. Aline took the kitten to her home.


Aline gave the kitty a bath and put together a nice comfy bed for the wee one to finally get some desperately needed rest and sleep.


The kitten was so malnourished, he needed to be fed via syringe at first. Little by little, he began to recover.


After awhile the kitten, who was named “Davi”, graduated to eating kibble.


It took just about a week for Davi to fully recover.


Aline just so happened to have other cats in her home. And now they are all the best of friends!


We here at The Best Cat Page would like to say ‘thank you, Aline’, for having such a loving heart and being such an awesome hero to Davi!

Photo credits: Aline Martins │Source