UPDATE - Serial M25 Cat Killer Bounty is Now Raised to £5k, (+/-$7,500 USD)

LONDON, ENGLAND - The price on the head of the M25 Cat Killer has been more than doubled.

There is now a £5,000 bounty for the arrest and conviction of the sadistic monster who has beheaded and dismembered more than 30 cats and could also be targeting other animals.

A total of six cats have fallen to the killer in recent months but a catalogue of more than 30 brutal attacks could be the work of a killer targeting animals near the M25 corridor.

Two puppies and a rabbit may have also been attacked recently.

PETA today increased its reward to catch the culprit to £5,000 and is warning owners to keep their pets indoors.

The animal charity says the twisted killer poses a threat to the entire community and this is very likely to escalate unless he is stopped.

“It’s imperative that any community faced with such sadistic and violent acts take measures to find the culprit and bring him or her to justice,” says PETA associate director Elisa Allen.

“Animal abusers are a danger to everyone. They take their issues out on whoever is available to them, human or non-human, and must be caught before they act again.”

The Metropolitan and Surrey Police are investigating incidents alongside their borders, but at the forefront of getting an overview of what has been happening to pets in the South London area is South Norwood Animal Rescue and Liberty - SNARL

SNARL’s Tony Jenkins and Boudicca Rising have been researching all of the incidents and say evidence is emerging to show other animals may have been killed along with cats.

The couple have named six cats confirmed as having fallen victim to the M25 Cat Killer in recent weeks and months.

Their named are: Ukiyo in Addiscombe; Amber in Shirley; Oscar in West Norwood; Missy in Couldson as well as unnamed cats in Charlton and West Norwood.

SNARL is appealing for evidence of domestic or wild animal mutilations which include slashed necks, decapitations, slashed bellies, removed tails or legs.

They say: “It is absolutely vital that the body and or parts are safeguarded and we will come out, even if it is after hours to collect any body or body parts for examination by the vet working on this case.”

“If the animal is still alive please take him or her straight to the vet for treatment and call us as soon as you can afterwards.”

“If you see anyone behaving suspiciously, particularly if they are carrying a knife or bladed weapon, please call 999 immediately.”

“This case was brought to our attention by the community and we are pretty sure that it will be solved as a result of the community’s efforts.”

PETA is telling pet owners in the area to keep their animals inside, warning: “Because animals cannot report incidents of abuse against them and can do little to fight back, they are the perfect ‘practice’ victims for violent people.”

The charity adds: “History shows that past incidents involving cruelty to animals regularly appear in the records of serial rapists and murderers.

“Young killers Mary Bell, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables as well as serial murderers Ian Huntley, Thomas Hamilton, Fred West, Dennis Nilsen, Ian Brady and Raoul Moat all started out by deliberately harming animals.”
