3 Day Old Kitten Tossed From Vehicle Gets A New Life!

In what can only be described as a disgusting act of cruelty, this sweet wee one of a kitten was found after he had been tossed from a vehicle window in a paper bag at a stop sign!

Seriously, what’s wrong with people?

Luckily, the person who just so happened to be driving behind that sad excuse for a human being noticed that the bag was moving, and decided to get out of the car and investigate.

Inside the bag, they found this little kitten.

It was later determined that the kitten was only three days old.

The motorist rushed him to the vet and also made a call to someone they knew who specialized in cat rescue.

The little kitten was later named Moses because he was left by the wayside.

He was warmly and lovingly welcomed into his foster home by a new loving human and the resident cat.

Tragic story. Happy ending!

We here at The Best Cat Page are just relived this poor wee one didn’t have to suffer out on the street!







