Cat Shot With BB Gun, Then Gets His Head Stuck in Wrought Iron Fence! – VIDEO!

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – This kitty was absolutely no match against a wrought iron fence.

When a stray cat got his head inside a fence just last week, the Los Angeles Animal Services Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team, otherwise known as SMART, were called in to free the poor animal.

Armando Navarrete, who was the leader the rescue mission, that the cat, nicknamed Midnight, was a stray often seen in the area.

Neighbors told him that the cat was often spotted “coming in and out of the bottom of the fence,” without a problem.

But when the SMART team arrived at scene, they immediately noticed wounds on the stray which came from two BB gun pellets.

Though Navarrete said that it was not clear how the cat was wounded, he assumed the cat “got shot, ran, and went through the wrong hole,” and then ultimately got stuck.

“Hey kitty cat, you went through the wrong hole?” Navarrete can be heard asking as the cat flinched a bit.

The rescue team also enlisted the help of a vet technician, who sedated Midnight as the team tried to free him from the gate.

Navarrete can be seen in this video rubbing mineral oil on the cat from one end of the fence while gently maneuvering him out while another member of his team tried to push the cat out from the other end.

After Midnight, who rescuers estimate is approximately two or three years old, was finally freed, he was wrapped up within a blanket and loaded into a crate. He was then brought to a local shelter.

According to veterinarians who examined the cat after the ordeal, other than the wounds from the BB gun, Midnight suffered “no injuries otherwise.”

Not long after being rescued from the fence, he was adopted by a loving family.
