Losing a pet can be the biggest heartbreak you’ll experience in life. It hits people really hard and can leave them without sleep for a long time. This story about a missing cat, though, has a happy end.
A Twitter user named Stu recently shared a story about his pet who worried the whole family when he went missing for some time.
While the family was sick with worry and searching for the lost moggy on the streets, the cat was sitting comfortable into their neighbor’s house. Check out the funny story below:
Stu’s cat, Steve, was missing.
Right, get yourself a brew and settle down, this story could take some time to tell….
Are you sitting comfortably? Good, then we'll begin….
— Stu. (@dysondoc) October 9, 2018
It turns out the missing moggy was closer to home than expected.
He was close to home all along. Not just close, but really close. Not just really close, but the house directly behind ours close. All that time, while we were roaming the streets, half out of our minds with worry.
— Stu. (@dysondoc) October 9, 2018
It’s not something unknown to the neighborhood, either.
This lady happened to have her back door open because she has 2 cats of her own and Steve shot in her house and up the stairs. She went up after him, and after a few minutes managed to shoo him out again. Unbeknownst to her he must have sneaked in again.
— Stu. (@dysondoc) October 9, 2018
This is where things start to get pretty odd, but great.
Now she just happened to be going on holiday that evening, and had a friend who was going to come in twice a day and feed her two cats. So, she toddles off on her hols, we're just starting to worry about where Steve has got to, and he's under her bed.
— Stu. (@dysondoc) October 9, 2018
So on Sunday morning her friend comes in to feed her cats. They'd agreed that it wouldn't do them any harm to stay in for the week, so the back door stayed closed and Steve stayed under the bed.
— Stu. (@dysondoc) October 9, 2018
A welcome end, to a heartwarming story.
I've had literally hundreds of messages from you about Steve's return, thank you all again. I love every single one of you and am so grateful for all your support over the last week . And the moral of the story is NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!
— Stu. (@dysondoc) October 9, 2018