PETA Is Fuming About Video Which Has Surfaced Of Students Jump-roping with Cat Intestines!

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is boiling mad again — this time because some kids at a San Antonio high school where filmed jumping rope with cat intestines during a lesson about the apparently amazing strength of cat intestines.

The incident occurred just earlier this month at Winston Churchill High School in San Antonio.

A spokeswoman for the school district noted that jumping rope with cat intestines was actually part of the teacher’s lesson plan.

“The lesson was intended to demonstrate and explore the strength of the organ,” school district spokeswoman Aubrey Chancellor said to KSAT. “The teacher participated in this same lesson in her college courses at Texas A&M.”

Chancellor tated the teacher will stop teaching all lessons that involve jumping rope with cat intestines, at least for the time being.

It was also determined that the teacher and the students who got to experience cat-intestines-rope-skipping will not be punished.

“If we can find a lesson that is equally effective as this one and doesn’t offend people in the process, we’re going to call it a win-win,” Chancellor said to the ABC station.

The animal-rights activists at PETA are fuming!

“Studies show that classroom animal dissection can foster callousness toward living beings, and these gruesome ‘jump rope’ videos are a particularly sad example,” PETA spokeswoman Marta Holmberg stated in a statement obtained by San Antonio CBS affiliate KENS. “PETA is calling on Winston Churchill High School to teach its students to respect life and science by replacing crude and cruel animal dissection with humane and effective non-animal teaching methods.”

PETA activists simply don’t want students studying actual cat intestines — or the various any long-dead animals — at all. Instead, they want students to view cat innards and various other dissections virtually.

Chancellor said that another high school tried virtual dissection, but it didn’t work due to problems with the computer network.

Noting that the dead cats were in no way hurt when their intestines were jump-roped, students at Winston Churchill say they don’t think PETA’s complaints are warranted.

“I value every animal life and would never engage in any activity that I believed would be disrespectful to the animals I am examining,” one student who was in the class stated, according to KSAT.

PETA constantly strives very hard to be in the news about its perpetual state of outrage.

Last year, for example, the animal rights group demanded that the state of Florida completely outlaw the American rite of passage of dissecting dead frogs because of a short video showing a high school teacher juggling dead frogs.

Also back in 2015, PETA demanded the construction of a roadside memorial commemorating the deaths of several hundred chickens which had died in the aftermath of a semi-trailer truck crash in Saskatchewan. The deceased poultry shrine would have been an attempt to honor the deaths of a large number chickens who breathed their last during a wreck on a desolate stretch of highway between two obscure Canadian towns.
