A man was out for a walk when he found a sick cat struggling to across the street he took him to the animal hospital as soon as possible. The vet over at Coral Springs Animal Hospital In Florida determined that the little Cat was in terrible health.
It was learned that ‘Lemon’ had some serious heart problems and he was also blind. It was predicted that he would live only two or three more months.
“My coworkers and I decided to adopt the kitten and care for him because we knew by sending him to a shelter he would surely be euthanized,” Athen Roy, Lemon’s mom, explained to The Dodo.
Lemon may have a bad heart but that doesn’t stop him from being happy
“Lemon is the most loving little kitten I have ever met,” Roy stated. “He loves snuggling and giving kisses, and despite all of the issues with his little heart, he is very playful as well.”
And so, Lemon’s Bucket List was created!
One of the accomplishments on this list of things for Lemon to do is being able to play in some snow.
Even though Lemon’s life may end up being a short one, it surely will be filled with excitement and love!
“Lemon means the world to all of the outpatient nurses at Coral Springs Animal Hospital,” Roy stated.
We here at The Best Cat Page wish Lemon the best and hope he gets to finish everything on his bucket list!
H/T: www.iheartmeows.com