3-legged Kitten Adopted by 2-year-old Amputee, BFF’S! And Their Update!

A three-legged kitten was adopted by a family with a 2-year-old girl, Scarlette, who just so happens to be an amputee herself.

From the moment they first met, they connected as if they understood each other.

Scarlette is an extremely brave little girl who has beat a rare form of cancer though her left arm was left amputated.

And she absolutely adores cats.

“We wanted a little kitten to have her grow up with, so she has something that’s just like her,” Simone Tipton told Amy at Love Meow.

They spent half a year specifically looking for a three-legged kitty to join their family and just before Christmas they found her!

That night, the family saw a story about a little three month old kitten who just had an amputation on the local news, KTLA, and started calling to find how they might adopt the kitten. When they weren’t getting the info they needed over the phone, they made a trip to the San Jacinto Valley Animal Campus.

“Scarlette was really excited, she absolutely loves cats. She did notice that Doc had staples on her side and said ‘owies’. I let her know that she had owies just like her, and she placed her hand on her side and just nodded,” Tipton told Love Meow.

That was the moment when they knew this kitten was the one. “She recognizes that the cat has similar struggles as she does.”

“Doc has adjusted to living here so well, she jumps on everything, despite her limitation. She is extremely snuggly and loves to plop in your lap,”

Since this story first appeared on Love Meow, Smiles for Scarlette has given us here at The Best Cat Page this update …

“Since Scarlette’s little kitty has been home, she has been nothing but adventurous.

We never got to see her true personality in the shelter, although she did show she was one huge cuddle bug, but once we got home, she showed us her true spirit.

Doc and Scarlette are very similar in personalities. Scarlette battled hard with physical therapy to learn how to crawl, stand, and walk on her own, but she did it and now walks with ease.

It seems Doc was in the same situation. She is AMAZING though! She climbs on the couch, jumps onto our bed, and runs around with our other kitty just fine!

There’s nothing this little one can’t do.

The kids absolutely love her and run around with her playing with there kitty toys. She is in heaven here and we are so blessed to have her home with us!”

Follow this brave pair on Facebook: Smiles For Scarlette


For those who would like to go the step further to help this dynamic little girl, here is the link to her YouCaring fundraiser page:

Source: lovemeow.com & thebestcatpage.com

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